Green Flyway on AERO 2022

Green Flyways Hans Dunder and Stefan Johansson were two of approximately 35,000 (!) visitors during this year’s edition of the AERO air show in Friedrichshafen in southern Germany, which was held from 27 to 30 April. Stefan and Hans presented the Green Flyway International Test Arena to a large number of aircraft manufacturers and designers.

A more detailed report coming soon. The image gallery shows the following:

Hans Dunder discussing with Diamond Aircraft about their new fully electric DA-40, which will be able to fly for 1 hour plus 30 minutes reserve on one charge and then recharge in 30 minutes for a new pass.

Flight Design F2e, which comes with both battery operation and later also hydrogen.

An unusual duo aircraft from H2FLY with a Hybrid driveline with fuel cell.

Green Flyways Hans Dunder participates in a lecture on Zero Emission during AERO2022.

logotyp tröndelag fylkeskommune
logotyp interreg sverige norge
logotyp region jämtland härjedalen

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